
Introducing "How to solve it: CPP"

Learning to develop object-oriented software can be challenging for three reasons.

First, you are learning features of a new language, in this case, C++. Being a superset of the C language, C++ adds many new features for representing objects, exceptions, name spaces and templates, etc.

Second, you are learning a new way to think about program design where objects and collaborations are the main abstractions. You may not be able to write a object-oriented program even if you learn the features of an object-oriented programming language. In the case of C++, many new language features enable you to use it as a better C, but that does not guarantee object orientation.

Third, you are learning to develop software not just out of curiosity. You do so because you want to able to build useful applications. Since useful applications are usually are somewhat complicated, this will require you to learn good work habits and engineering practices.

I am writing these articles to help you take up the three challenges when you learn C++ for the first time. The articles come in groups that are threaded by a number of long running examples. My preference for long running examples over short examples is that the former sets a context where object orientation and engineering practices really make more sense. That said, isolated, small examples come in handy when you are trying out a new language feature. Many existing textbooks and online resources do a good job covering this aspect. Thus, I am not going to spend time writing about them in these articles.

In these articles, an example always begins with a problem statement and ends with a program that solves the problem. You may ask, then, what makes an example long running? The obvious answer would be that the problem in the example is complicated enough that a conceivable program for solving it will be large in size (e.g., when measured in lines of code, or LOC.) Real world applications fall into this category. In these articles, there is another category of long running examples: ones that are designed to give you opportunities for learning new language features, object orientation, and engineering practices. 

Since the examples will be long running, some kind of decomposition of the problem is necessary. Nearly all problems can benefit from decomposition. Let us look at an example.

Problem. Compute the inner product (or dot product) of two vectors when it is defined.

As a problem it is simple enough if you know what a vector is, but we can still benefit from a decomposition into three sub-problems: handling the input, computing the inner product, and displaying the output. In handling the input, you have to decide how the user inputs data (i.e., two vectors) to your program. Does she type in the input on the command line? Does she react to prompts by your program? Or, does she put the data in a file to be read by your program? To know exactly which option(s) to take, you'll have to ask your user. (Then again, always be aware that the user can change her mind.) You must also address errors committed by the user such as inputting two vectors of different dimensions, a malformed vector, and so on. Handling the input ensures that inner product is only computed for two well-formed vectors with an identical dimension. 

The benefit? You can then organize the code in handling input and computing inner product in separate units, each of which will be easy to understand and modify. Your code for computing an inner product will be clean without the need for checking for malformed vectors. Even better, when the user changes her mind about the way vectors are input, you'll be glad that you have a single place to look for the required change.

With a decomposition into sub-problems, you can now start working on them. You certainly don't want to work on all sub-problems simultaneously, being aware of our cognitive limit and the fact that it defeats the purpose of decomposition. So, a practical way to do it is something like this: work on one sub-problem at a time; work on the next sub-problem, and so on, until you're done. In these articles, I am going to frame the problem-solving process after George PĆ³lya's four well-known steps of solving mathematical problems in his classic How To Solve It: understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back.
  • Understanding the problem (U): you must first understand what the requirements are before building a program to solve the (sub-)problem on hand.Thus, ask the following questions: What is the input? What is the output? What are the constraints?
  • Devising a plan (D): once you fully understand the (sub-)problem on hand, list the tasks required for its solution. The tasks, once determined, should have the quality of being straightforward to complete. That is, the tasks are your units of work.
  • Carrying out the plan (C): pick one task at a time, code it, test it, and integrate it with the existing code. Repeat this until all tasks related to the (sub-)problem are done.
  • Looking back (L): Inspect the program and identify places where improvements are needed. Do this in your role as a programmer and as a user. Treat any identified improvement as a new task or a new sub-problem.
 Each sub-problem goes through the four steps. Combining decomposition and the four steps, we have something like this:  
    U--D--C--LU--D--C--LU ... U--D--C--L
    1---------2---------3-... n--------done!

Each of the numbers 1,2, ..., n  denotes an episode or a round of solving a sub-problem. At the end of each round, you must have a working program, i.e., one that can be run. When I say a working program, I mean it in the accumulative sense: you don't want to solve a sub-problem only to break a previously solved sub-problem. When you reach the "done!" mark, you have solved all the sub-problems and hence the problem.

You must have many questions. Some of them could be: which sub-problem should I work on first when there are many sub-problems? How do I make sure the working program I get at the end of a round really solves the sub-problem? How do I integrate the code for the current sub-problem into the code base for the whole program? An so on. Later, I will help you find out the answers for yourself. But enough principles now, let us move on to our first long running example.

© Y C Cheng, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved.

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